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SBS data Delivery Options
5zip TeleSource (Phone Append, Reverse Phone Append, Confirmation, and Electronic Directory Assistance)
Express Batch (Web Interface)

To use this Delivery Option, Get Started Integrating, with our easy Integration Process.

SBS Express Batch Web Interface provides you the ability to post a file to an FTP server through a user-friendly web interface. An automated process of appending data to your file will be initiated when the file is submitted. The web interface allows you to click through a series of options to describe your input file format and to select your output options. A 24-hour turnaround time is guaranteed for the appending process. You will be notified via email when the file is complete and may download it at that time via the web interface. You may also use the web interface to check on the status of a file. SBS also emails a match rate report and automatically notifies you of errors with files.

There is a 200,000 record limit for files processed through the Express Batch Web Interface.

Support Information
This delivery option is supported weekdays, 7 AM to 6 PM Central Standard Time with a tiered support approach. For further information regarding the type and levels of support for this delivery option, read the Support Document.

For More Information
Reverse Phone Append, within the 5zip TeleSource suite of products, is the only product currently offered through this delivery option.