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SBS data in 3CD
The American Chinese Households database compiles 360,213 listings of Chinese-American households in all 50 states. This database is sent to USPS for an annual National Change Of Address (NCOA) update.
The top 5 states having the highest Chinese population include California (89,074), New York (57,227), Texas (22,045), New Jersey (18,747) and Illinois (14,802).
First Name & Last Name of the Head of the Household, Address, City, State,
Zip Code, Phone Number
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First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, or Phone Number
Excellent for launching a direct mail campaign to reach the niche market of Chinese-American.
ACB-dBase,American Chinese Businesses database supplies 146,448 listings of Chinese businesses, including over 27 major trades or industries, such as import & export, supermarkets, restaurants, real estate agencies, computer stores, software, banks, attorney, accountants, insurance brokers, shops, Chinese media, organizations and associations, travel agents, doctor's clinics, dentists, beauty shops, manufacturers, bookstores, and printing shops.
There are 47,517 Chinese businesses in the state of California, and 18,750 in New York. TX (8,445), NJ (5,673), IL (5,588) follow next.
Name of Business, Address, City, State, Zip Code, SIC code, Phone Number
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Name of Business, Address, City, State, Zip Code, SIC code or Phone Number
Reaching the Purchase Power of Business:
A business has far more aspects of needs, and holds much more profound purchase power than individuals. ACB-dBase list helps to launch a direct mail campaign in a much cost-effective way, to yield better sales leads.
- Available in any type of database format
- Online download, email or on CD-Rom
The American Chinese Restaurants Database is the most complete & current list of its kind in the market. ACR-dBase compiles 33,419 listings of Chinese restaurants in all 50 states of US. The top 5 states of highest counts of Chinese restaurants are California (6,007), New York (4,002), Texas (1,787), Florida (1,692) and New Jersey (1,632).
Name of the Restaurant, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Phone Number
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Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, or Phone Number
Target Marketing Tool for food wholesale vendors, restaurant suppliers, restaurant equipment manufacturers, beverage & wines, merchant card services, POS systems, and mail-order marketers.

Guaranteed Accuracy for ACR-dBase
If using our list for direct-mail campaign and you get mails returned to you due to inaccurate addresses, we will PAY YOU BACK the postage that you paid for each returned mail piece.
- Available in any type of database format,
- Online download, email or on CD-Rom.